
Your support is deeply appreciated: no amount is too large or too small.

If you can, please consider becoming a sponsor with a donation of $250 or more.

Types of Donations

  • Cash or unrestricted donations: These donations will be used to support non-specified programs, curricula or other funding as established by the Foundation.
  • Field of Interest Donations: Income from these donations or gifts will be used to support specific educational programs or needs.
  • Named Scholarships or Fund: These donations or gifts will be used to support specific programs established by the Foundation. Within this category, donors may establish a Named Scholarship or Fund.
  • Asset Donations: We are unable to accept donations of property, bequests, or other non-monetary donations.

Donate with PayPal

Make a Donation by Mail

Print our donation form and mail it to:

West Sound Technical Skills Foundation
P.O. Box 5557
Bremerton, WA 98312